Katherine and nirupa common currency may 19 2019.jpg

We did our first private money salon on May 19th, to talk about all the things we hold intimate or at bay about money- - What We Talk About When We Talk About Money. The series was called Common Currency. The stories we tell ourselves can help us break down a wall or put one up. 

Every salon ritualizes the sharing of stories and our coming together with an art form that moves us from the head to the heart. Music and song are universal levelers. Music never fails to heal. Music equalizes (I mean this as well in the way of the left hemispheres of the brain talking to the right hemisphere)- it helps us hit chords that sit in emotional spaces that we might otherwise find difficult to access. The angelic vocals of Dovi J broke the space open... when David talked about stagefright, and how he put himself out there performing in spaces again and in service of his art, the song, he broke through, he was setting the stage in many ways for how we breakthrough when dealing with subjects, relationships that we set up internal barriers with. 

We spent an afternoon exchanging our personal histories around what we grew up hearing about money. How did this inform what we talk about when we talk about money. 

The salons have been intimate, co-created storytelling sessions, where we learn from each other, from the wisdom of our lived experiences. Featured on here Kate Szekely - a long time salon collaborator and friend. Kat spoke about navigating the challenges of her generation - student loan debt, following your heart in arts and yoga, and standing true to what you love while solving for how do you support a life that honors your values in one of the more expensive parts of the country, the boroughs and cities surrounding New York City. 



Photo Credits

Video & Audience Picture- Nirupa 

Kate and Nirupa- Dipti Mehta